
The receptacles are fittings machined from stainless steel, brass, or Delrin.
A hole is punched in the container (can, lid, pouch, or other type of container) and the body of the receptacle is passed through the hole. A nut is then threaded onto the body of the receptacle.
The thermocouple is threaded into the internal threads of the receptacle and hand-tightened with the thermocouple spanner wrench (C-14 or C-14-S).
When properly installed, the thermocouple and thermocouple receptacle provide a hermetic seal.

C-5 – Non-Locking Receptacle
The C-5 is a two piece receptacle machined from stainless steel and is the most frequent choice for tests in still or non-agitating retorts. The C-5 is used with the C-6 (non-locking) connector.
The C-5D is identical to the C-5 except that it is machined using Delrin.

C-9 – Locking Receptacle
The C-9 is identical to the C-5 except that it has an additional external thread for locking the connector (C-10) to the receptacle to prevent accidental disconnection during a rotating or agitating process. The C-9 is used with the C-10 (locking) connector.
The C-9D is identical to the C-9 except that it is machined using Delrin.

C-5.1 – Plastic Pouch Receptacle
The C-5.1 is designed for use with plastic pouches and can be used with all types of thermocouples. It requires a 3/8″ diameter hole through the pouch.

C-5.1M – Plastic Pouch Receptacle – Modified
This design requires only a 1/4” hole through the pouch. The hole may be punched through the flange area by means of an ordinary 1/4” paper punch. The seal is effected by an “O” ring inserted on the inside of the package.
The C-5.1M receptacle is usable only with CNS and CNL thermocouples.

C-5.1ML – Plastic Pouch Receptacle – Modified (Locking)
This is the same as the C-5.1M, but is designed for use with locking connectors (C-10).

C-5.2 – Stuffing Box
The C-5.2 is a four part brass fitting designed to seal a wire into a plastic pouch. The C-5.2 is used on the pouch thermocouple assembly (PCH-TC).
The C-5.2D is identical to the C-5.2 except that it is machined using Delrin.